Today, among all the commercial images of Santa and the white-bearded old man of Coca-Cola, we often forget the reason for the Season, the BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST, Who was not just a baby in the manger but a Savior, God in the flesh Who came down to take upon Himself our sins and give us a new abundant life.
If Jesus changed history and today we count the years BC and AD (well, you atheists, please explain why exactly that time was chosen to split antiquity and modern times!), isn’t it only fair to think WHAT MADE THE BIRTH OF JESUS SO SIGNIFICANT.
He truly changed the history of man but today he changes the lives of ALL people who invite Him to be their personal Lord and Savior. Jesus has the power to change lives, resurrect broken dreams, give wisdom when we lack it, be with us ALWAYS when we seek Him, heal our pain and our broken hearts, give new hope and renewed strength to carry on and keep pressing on…
That’s why I wish you all to manage to open your hearts for Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords that He may change your future! HE CAN DO IT! AND HE IS WILLING! Because He loves you! With that kind of love that only He can give…