I walk the streets of the city of Mediocrity and hear all the shouts of the maddened crowd: “Crucify him! Kill him! Let him die! He does not deserve to live!”
“Why? What has he done?”
“He has failed to conform! He is different! We want him dead! Let the one who is like us live! He may be a criminal, aren’t we all? We don’t want people who are different and who stick out! Who does this one think he is?…”
It is a tough job being a leader in our world: everyone has their own opinions, their rights, demands and tons of complaints… People are stubborn and unwilling to be led because THEY KNOW… (I wonder why they end up nowhere then…)
The humanistic spirit and the arrogance of many are killing leadership today. The crowd hates leaders because they are unwilling to get out of mediocrity… It requires change and they hate changes…
Leaders are a rare breed, almost extinct… They are different and that’s their strength. The problem is there’s too much pressure to be like the majority because they do the voting…
What if they don’t elect you?
Well, just turn around and walk on. There will always be people to follow, at least some will… I hope so…
If you were born to be a leader, get used to being alone, misunderstood and rejected, criticized and ostracized. Don’t you ever try to explain the spark that’s driving you and tell everything to the people who follow you: they simply can’t understand… They are driven by other sparks…
If you try to please the ones who are supposed to follow you, you will end up with them, in a deep state of mediocrity. Unhappy, bitter, crushed…
Find the right bunch of people like you, different and strong to resist mainstream mediocrity.
It’s not easy to be among such people but it’s well worth all the effort. In such company you can be challenged and provoked to develop. You will find the strength to be your best, no matter how different you are and how weird others may claim you are.
The company of leaders is a challenging place to be: they don’t simply give ideas, they don’t explain very well.
They live with a mission.
Leaders are focused and determined. Quite often they are not easy to communicate with because they live in different reality and very few leaders are good communicators.
Leaders don’t need all the explanations, they need the spark that will provoke them and propel them. And it comes in relationships where iron sharpens iron. That’s where sparks are… Fireworks won’t do…
If you are a leader, don’t spend all your time with followers. Spend time with other leaders! It’s the environment where you flourish. Even though it’s quite windy and often dry there… Not easy at all… But that’s where you were meant to be…
Leaders don’t need ideas, they have many… They need encouragement to be strong and pursue their mission. Get inspired by the boldness of others to swim against the flow. Charge up your batteries not by people who are rich but people who have the spark of life…
And above all, in order not to get killed and slaughtered by all the shouting furious mob, guard your heart. Don’t you ever let bitterness and disappointment get hold of it. That’s when the spark dies.
If you let that happen, you become a mere zombie, a walking dead who no one wants to be around… And no one will follow…