God made man from the dust of the earth. And then He breathed life into his nostrils. Man lived in two worlds – in the Kingdom of God here, on the earth.
Adam and Eve chose the dust, the earthly, and fell from God’s glory…
People without God and His divine Life in them are just dust and mud. And such is the world they’re making without God. Despite all the good intentions…
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to give us a Way back to wholeness – to receive again the Spirit of Life, His Almighty Spirit, to be able to live here on the earth, in the mud, but not get muddy…
I pray that Jesus Christ helps all of us to receive His Light and Salvation, and become what God The Father meant us to be!
Merry Christ-mas because we are really blessed and we have a good reason to celebrate! And with Jesus The King we can make a different world here – His Kingdom, here and now!
“For unto us a child is born, a Son is given. And the government is on His shoulders.” Isaiah 9:6